A Tribute To my dear friend John

Created by Hilary 2 months ago
John was the first resident I met when I arrived at Manormead in December 2018. He quickly introduced himself, welcomed and assisted me with my luggage, and led me to my flat. He waited to help me unpack and arrange the flat and gave me some useful 'tips' to get along in the house! From then on, he and his wife, Thelma, became very good friends with me right through my stay at Manormead. They invited me to their flat from time to time for chats, refreshments, Bible studies and fellowship. They showed me so much kindness and generosity all the time I was at Manormead. 
Even after I left Manormead in January 2022 to Nigeria, John and Thelma continued to keep in touch with me. They continued with their love, kindness and generosity, wanting to know how things were with me and sending me gifts of money.
Now that John is reunited with his dear wife Thelma, in the bosom of the Lord Jesus, may his kind and generous soul rest in perfect peace.
Fare well, my dear friend John,  I will always remember you and your dear wife Thelma, with your amazing concern, love, kindness and generosity.
David Udo.