Brian & Mary Hobden 26th June 2024

Dear Joy and Ray. Your parents were such wonderful friends and mentors to us throughout our lives.In our eyes they were the perfect clergy team.Our time in London was a wonderful time for us and we learnt so much from them.Just after my ordination my mother died of cancer. Your parents visited her and your dad spoke at her funeral. After a year bought my first car and needed to pass the test and your dad took me out on a number of occasions; a true test of friendship.Your parents visited us in every parish we served both in the UK and in America.They offered us hospitality on many occasions throughout the years. They visited us in Virginia and celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary with us and they visited us in New Mexico. John was a true visionary and we were excited about his work with Emmanuel. We are so glad for them that they are now reunited in the glory of Heaven and in the Presence of their glorious Lord whom they served so well. With much love in the Lord. Brian and Mary.