Where it all began...

Created by David and Jenny 3 months ago
This is a photo of John and Thelma in 1983, wishing our daughter Sarah, Godspeed as she went to Canada for training to work in a Developing Country, which turned out to be Jamaica.  It was life changing for her and for us as we visited the EI team there and witnessed poverty at first hand, resulting in us helping the underprivileged there for some forty years.  With the generous support of friends we have been able to lift many out of the cycle of poverty.  Among others, Novia and Nicholas are teachers (Nicholas a Head), Khadena is a Nursing graduate, Kristoff will qualify as a Doctor this year, and we have been able build or rebuild homes and provide financial and practical help.  None of this would have happened if John had not founded EI here.  Thank you John and thanks be to God our caring Heavenly Father. 
