Brought me to Christ

Created by John 3 months ago

Many years ago when I first moved to London, I was attending St Lukes, West Norwood with friends who were playing in a band called 'One Way'. They invited me to come along.

At some point John spoke about giving your life to Christ. The most powerful part and the part that has remained with me as I seek to follow Christ was that he said 'if you are going to give your life to Christ, then you need to give him 100% of your life'. My love in life was wheelchair basketball, it was really 'my god'. After he said those words, I asked myself did I want to give my life 100% to Christ, well some 43 years late Jesus is the Lord of my life and has taken me on a lifelong adventure of following him.

I thank God for the family of the Carroll's and John & Thelma's influence on me as a follower of Christ. But most of all the call to give my life 100% to Christ. A decision that has been more fulfilling than I could ever have expected. Thank you John, for the clarity in which you spoke and the life you and Thelma demonstrated to help a young follower go deeper in my relationship with Christ.

John Naudé