Memories of John - Mark Middleton

Created by Hilary 2 months ago
A Jesus legend in all of our hearts has been invited to eternity.

My parents met your dad (I believe) in the early ‘50’s in Aden, Yemen. Your dad and mine became lifelong friends—similar personalities with amazing wives who “tried to keep them balanced”. (Your dad’s words. 😊)

I remember first meeting you all in the summer of 1966 when my family was on our way back from Ethiopia. Your folks graciously put us up and we watched Wimbledon and the World Cup together on a black and white TV. Being a guy, I remember your dad driving an Austin Mini.

I am one of the countless people of my generation and younger that your parents constantly influenced towards God and I am forever grateful. We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us (Hebrews 12:1-2) and I count it a privilege that your parents offered me theirs.

Our reunion in heaven will be wonderful. Celebrating your dad’s life with you. Praying Ephesians 3:14-21 over you all.

Mark Middleton for Candy and our family. ♥️